Monday, August 26, 2024

Alien Romulus: The Seven Second Review


  1. The movie lost me at the start - does no one remember the 3 massive explosions near the end of Alien where the Nostromo and then the ore processor detonate in nuclear explosions

  2. So, the whole debris field is nonsense, not to mention it would have scattered millions of kilometers. And Ripley jettisoned the Alien far from that location anyway.

  3. While I'm on the rant, the movie talks about knowing that Ripley survived. They say the movie is about 20 yrs after Alien. No one bothered to track her lifepod? Or here's a thought - if they knew about Ripley why not pop over to LV-426 and grab some eggs instead of hoping some post reactor detonation might have left a fragment of the creature that defies physics.

  4. In movies these days, the script tends to be an afterthought. That's why nearly everything's crap. The emphasis is on special effects, not story.

    Alien was finished a long time ago. Savor the real movies (the Sigourney Weaver ones) and ignore the stuff they've been churning out since then to wring a few last dribbles of cash out of the corpse.
