Wednesday, May 17, 2023


1 comment:

  1. I grew up in rural America. I learned to handle firearms from a former WWII sergeant. I've spent time in the military and have fired a wide range of weapons - from a 22 cal pistol up to the Ma Deuce. I enjoyed sporting clays and have had good scores doing it. I also spent 30 years treating the aftermath of gun violence, suicide attempts, and unintentional injuries. I've treated wounds from pistol shots, 30 cal rifles, shotguns, 5.56mm rounds, and even a 58 cal Minie ball.

    From where I sit, the current state of gun culture in this country stems less from the Second Amendment and more from 50 years of unrelenting capitalist lobbying, fearmongering and marketing until it's taken on the airs of a religion.
