Friday, June 28, 2024

Ship of State


  1. As I've said many times before, this site is largely for self-entertainment. This one is a case in point. Particularly like the composition of the second frame. And it really does contain my greatest ever easter egg.

    The first frame was a pain - I had to excise the oval office windows from a picture so I could add the obviously fake painted backdrop that Baron Trumpenstein clearly misses.

    Hopefully you picked up on the fate of his tweeter in frame 2.

  2. Hmm. Well, obviously the tweeter going into the water is clear in the full-size image, but Easter-egg-wise, I'm coming up empty. I make out the Chinese characters as "Pride Ship", and I'm guessing the two spikes and the odd-shaped tower on the forward superstructure are added since they're less blurry than the rest of the ship, but if there's an Easter egg there, it may have been poached.

  3. The Chinese characters are supposed to say Slow Boat...
