Wednesday, June 26, 2024

This Week On House...


  1. Yes, yes, I know.....

  2. heh. that's skewering it rather well.

  3. How many times has Star Wars jumped the shark? I liked the first one (refuse to call it #4), and really liked the second one. The third lost me the moment I saw an Ewok. And the first prequel? Can you imagine if it had come out in today's woke world? And the whole midi-chlorian bullshit!

    It is a pretty good metaphor for our world though - 2 groups of powerful assholes who don't give 2 ______s for the regular folks, battling it out to see who's right. And if a few planets get sterilized - well at least they showed remorse at the end when fate caught up with them and all is forgiven.
